平方X 发表于 2017-10-10 15:55:25


使用 AndroidStudio 的时候发现反编译用的 Fernflower,搜了一下。

Fernflower is an easy to use yet advanced cli Java decompiler.

Download, READ THIS!

FernFlower has recently become open sourced, you can view the repo at https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-co...decompiler

If you're looking for GUI FernFlower, download Bytecode Viewer - https://github.com/Konloch/bytecode-viewer/releases

Basic Decompile:
java -jar fernflower.jar jarToDecompile.jar decomp/

With that fernflower will decompile jarToDecompile.jar and put the Java files into decomp/jarToDecompile.jar (Remember, jar is simply a .zip archive, so open it with any zip reader)

If you run into the issue with people obfuscating as aa aA and you can't reobfuscate for some reason, fernflower has a neat ability that allows you to rename all of the classes/fields/methods to class1, class2, etc.

java -jar fernflower.jar -ren=1 jarToDecompile.jar decomp/

For more options, read the FernFlower documentation here.

These are just some of the awesome things you can do with fernflower, go download it and try it out!

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